Monday, November 11, 2013

Address At Rotary Club of Colombo Metropolitan

It is good to be back at a Rotary  Club Meeting. The last time I addressed  the club was in 1987  as a member of that club.
In 2011 soon after suffering a stroke, I launched a Corporate  Social Responsibility programme for Asia Capital PLC.,  where I was then the Chairman and Managing Director.  It was titled “ Put a bit of Jaffna into your Life”.  I wish to talk to you today on that programme. Young Tharindu Amunugama who is sitting over there who looks like a large prize fighter was primarily responsible for the launch of that programme.  With his assistance I published a Coffee Table book of photographs  of Jaffna in transition soon after the war.  This book is available for sale if you are interested in purchasing a copy .
The programme was built on the foundation  that National Reconciliation is too important too important be left to the Government. It is a personal responsibility of each and everyone of us.
There are 10,000 children who have been affected seriously by the war.  Their education was disrupted and many have lost either one or both parents.  Selection  criteria of children were that they were  between  6 and 12 years old,  children who have lost both parents or lost  a single parent, those disabled, and in detention camps. We  are using this programme to extend a hand in friendship  to these children  to help them in their  healing.  The programme  provides them Rs. 12,000 per annum to help them in their education.  These funds are used to provide study books,  stationery, tuition, access to counseling  and other little  nick-knacks  that children love  on an individual scale and also to assist their families for certain expenditures.  In addition when those  children show  are falling behind in their studies, Glorious Jaffna arranges to tutor groups of such children in those studies . Together with Lanka  India  Oil Company  (LIOC) we organized an English coaching programme for  some children who needed extra attention.  However  currently due to lack of resources we are supporting  only 500 such children.  I would like to increase this figure significantly over the next coming years.  We encourage the donors to have a direct link with the student.  The student’s performance in school can be checked by them using our website. .  Each donor is provided with log-in  facilities to the website where they can get information about the children they support.  Through this methodology, we want to provide a direct link between the donor and the child (child’s wellbeing/fund utilization etc)   Asia Capital PLC supports the programme in the administration costs . Donors have the knowledge that all funds  go directly to the children, and it is not spent on administration of the programme.   An evaluation was carried out to measure the progress of the 500 students who were benefitting under the Glorious Jaffna Educational sponsorship program.  A total percentage of 67% increased performance was attained by the children since the educational sponsorship was given to them.  This performance was based  upon the child’s overall performance in his/her academic subjects in school .  This percentage was arrived at after comparing the overall marks of the child before sponsorship and after sponsorship. For example, 8 of our children have performed very successfully in the Grade 5 Scholarship examination and have been identified to proceed to some of the best schools  not only in Jaffna but in the context of the entire education system  in Sri Lanka. Several of them have been selected to schools like Hartley College,  St. John’s  and  J/Kondavil CCTMS(Church of Ceylon Tamil Mixed School) .  We are now entering the second phase of the programme where we can focus our resources  to evaluate the progress of these children who will now  have to relocate  to enter the better schools.   We believe once these children who have been in the programme  are successfully integrated into the community , we will take away the  incentive  for them to look on violence as a  means of resolving their bitter history.   These kids are our future Chartered Accountants, Engineers,  Doctors and Bankers of Sri Lanka.   The Glorious Jaffna Programme  will propel these children into the forefront of Sri Lankan Society by  providing them assistance for their education.  To quote Mahatma Ghandi  Hatred cannot  be overcome by hatred it can only be overcome only by love” and to quote  Chapter 5 Vs. – 9  of the Gospel according toSt.Mathew “Blessed are the Peacemakers – they will be called the children of God”  and further to quote Martin Luther King “ Blackness cannot be overcome by blackness. It must be overcome only by light”.
The link we form between the  children and adults of the Sinhala community  in particular  and their easy passage through a very hard world is expected to form the bedrock of National reconciliation.  For those of you who are more interested in supporting the programme  please talk to Tarindu before you leave and establish contact with him.

As the victors of a long and bitter war, it is imperative that  the Sinhalese extend a hand of friendship to the Tamils. Therefore the Sinhalese must make the first move.  I am particularly calling on you the members of the Sinhalese  community  of the Rotary Club to help me in this effort.  Please help me to achieve this noble goal.
I am available to answer any questions you may have.  

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